Monday, April 13

Mt Taranaki Easter trip

Just back in Auckland after a weekend with friends climbing Mt Taranaki. The weather was perfect and with a drop of snow and little wind we hiked up to the summit successfully... See these views. Fell in love with the 'naki' and I'm already planning my next hike around the mountain this winter. We discovered the fastest way down was sliding on our arses, bliss. We made a whole day of it, eating some cafe style lunch in the sheltered basin near the summit. If you get the chance to do this trek then do it! Is dangerous in icy or adverse conditions though so play your cards right and go fully prepared.

Tuesday, April 7

A quote from Nelson Mandela

A quote that has been on my mind this week:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Tuesday, March 31

Invisible children update

Just watched a moving 30 minute movie which is a follow up of the invisible children movie released a few years ago. It follows the efforts of people and leaders all over, trying to free thousands of child soldiers in Uganda. Its a genuine project that is gaining momentum and hearts around the world. Click below to watch the movie and follow it:

Monday, March 30

Falling at 200km per hour

Yesterday I scored a deal and took to the skies over Taupo in a miniature plane. I did a sky dive from 15000 feet and it was one of the most exhilarating yet peaceful experiences of my life. 60 seconds of freefall that seemed to go so fast yet so slow. It was the most beautiful day with only a few clouds so I could see from Mt Taranaki to Mt Ruapehu to Napier on the East coast... incredible! Lake Taupo was shimmering in all her glory and the skydive instructor I was strapped to gave me the reigns of the parachute for a few twists and turns at around 4000 feet.

I would recommend the jump for any thrill seeker, Taupo gives amazing scenery and the team at Taupo Tandem Skydiving were a good bunch.

This photo isn't me but its all the same view!

Thursday, March 5


I just bought the new U2 album 'No Line on the Horizon' - Deluxe edition from itunes. It was released worldwide this week. It sure lives up to U2's standards and comes with a 58minute video with their feature 'Linear'. It's a biker's paradise, I haven't even finished watching it all and it has already taken me to another place... speaking of bikes, I just passed my restricted motorcycle licence. Stoked I can now ride on the motorways legally, what a good feeling.

listen for yourself to their new album: click on me

Saturday, February 28

Back to normalcy or is normality (the dictionary says normalcy is viewed as an uneducated american's alternative to normality... I'm not too fussed)

Once again, it's been a while since I wrote. New Year's resolution: Keep up to date on this thing. With a new imac in tow that'll be much easier than my nomadic life of the summer. I spent my summer in Waiouru doing a bit of work/training in the Army on a couple courses, all good fun. I'm back into the swing of study now, ahh the blissful freedom of a student's life.

In my opinion this year, the student's profession is the pick of the crop as far as the recession is concerned. Why? Well, I'm not going to earn any more or less, student loans are still interest free so the rates are of no concern and I'll come out into the job market skilled up and ready to go. Only problem is if there's no job market to go into when I'm finished. Yes, minor point but I'm not one to fret.

I just found a mint site for nzers wanting to be proactive in reducing personal carbon emissions and get a bit more social cooperation going. Look at and browse around. You can click on your from/to location in NZ and it'll give you all the rides offered, some are good for commuting around the city and there's a few long hauls. Generally people are giving some really decent deals with trips from Auckland to Wellington for $30 and some rides are even free or negotiable. Obviously you gotta stay safe and use a bit of common sense but it's a creative and workable solution for beating the pricey pump.

Be Greener.