Wednesday, January 3

oh summer.

Happy New Year readers! When the sun has decided to display it's glory i have been there with bells on... and I have the photos to prove it (go to my flicker badge for more). I spent New Years Eve at Hahei beach, raindancing on the beach and 4-wheel driving with friends through tracks around Tairua. What an wild experience, we took the angle-meter off the scale on the truck! I did a spot more diving on New Years morning and saw a sting ray and some beatiful fish, God didn't leave beauty and originality out of any bit of creation. Here's a few photos from the coromandel. 1. me underwater 2. pohutakawa 3. Jo and I amongst it all.
I've got 4 days left to make the most of my summer freedom before I head off to initial officer training in Waiouru for 7 weeks of a completely different lifestyle!