Wednesday, February 28

A new part of my life

I've just returned from 6 weeks in sunny Waiouru, it was sunny too... sometimes too sunny as the DPM top I wore would be sticking to the sweat on my back, charming I know.

I've just completed my initial offier training which has taught me the basics of the nz army soldiering skills. It was an intense time and there were days running up some big hill that I didn't know if I would make it to the end but I did and now I'm inspired to take on my next year of training with my local Auckland Unit alongside my ongoing University studies. Coming back to Auckland was a strange feeling, life here is so relaxed and slower, I had to watch I didn't swing my arms marching down broadway!

I'm not finding the transition too difficult however, I've once again mastered the art of sleeping in and layering my bedroom floor with clothes.

The photo was taken on my marchout day before the parade. 17 Feb 07