Wednesday, December 26

Christmas and all that craziness....

Firstly, I say the obligatory "Merry Christmas" to all my friends and whanau who have tuned into my blog over the year (as scarce as it has been). This will be my last post before I head off to kaikoura for a New Years family reunion then straight to Waiouru for the NZ Army TF Commissioning course. It'll be tough and I'm hoping my body doesn't pack out because its always a possibility with the injuries I've had this year. It's going to be wild and I'm looking forward to the challenge.

I leave you with this thought from Bono (thanks to Uncle Steve):
“a child born in straw poverty, in shit and straw … a child …the poetry … unknowable love, unknowable power, describes itself as the most vulnerable… love , needs to find form, intimacy needs to be whispered. To me it makes sense. It’s actually logical. It’s pure logic. Love has to become an action or something concrete. It would have to happen. There must be an incarnation. Love must be made flesh.”

Photos and stories will be rampant at the end of february when I return.
