Monday, March 20

Blink and you miss it

I've been casually reading a very interesting book: blink by Malcolm
Gladwell on the impacts of our unconscious mind on split second
decisions we make. I'm slightly doubtful about some of his theories
but the concepts are fascinating: the theory of slices was tested by
psychologists who asked participants to spend 15minutes in a strangers
room and then assess what this stranger's personality was like. He was
comparing close friend's assessments of these people with the
stranger's assessments after seeing their bedroom.
The Results? The strangers ended up doing an even better assessment
than the subject's own friends overall! At first that seems incredible
but there are so many telling things in our rooms; mess, order, art,
music, things we hang on our walls to put across an image we want to

Looking around my room I see surf photos, a stereo, a bit of mess
(clothes on the floor and dirty mugs and an unmade bed), textbooks,
phone, plenty photos of friends and scenic photos, my surfboard and
guitar, a desk covered in random bits and pieces…. so go on, analyse
me, see if this test works.