Sunday, August 31

Dubai suprise

I was meant to have an hour stopover in Dubai at midnight for the plane to refuel...3hrs later I was sent off to a lavish hotel for the remainder of the night and to wait until the aircraft engineers could find a bit of the plane they were missing - who knows what bit or when it fell off! I had an experience I could never afford myself as we were given buffet meals at the Arabian Park Hotel and a caught a bus into the 'WADI; an extremely ornate and expensive mall in the city. It was a HOT 40degrees throughout the day and nnot much cooler at night - and they all wear so many clothes. I felt half naked in my tshirt & jeans as it is burka country. Photos of the exterior to follow.

Once I finally made it to the Netherlands after a close call on another flight and delayed trains, I met with my family & family friends. Spent the last couple of days in Amsterdam seeing all that Amsterdam has to offer with my bro, Cam & mich... Had a wonderful time cycling around on our yellow dutch bikes getting lost & eating/drinking all the local delicacies. It was my first sunny day in Europe - a little disappointing as I was hoping to get my Vitamin A (or is it D?) I've been lacking severely back home!

Look on my flickr button on the right for more photos of my trip so far.

Thursday, August 21

medals for the kiwis

I must say I got a bit of a suprise this morning when I looked at the medals per capita table in the NZ Herald. NZ is ranked 2nd behind Slovenia! Now, I'm guessing Slovenia is one of those countries to rake them in with some tiny gymnast girls that look half their age but thats still impressive for Slovenia. We have 9 medals all up at this stage and a few more prospectives...

I will be watching the last days of the Olympics from the living room of my parents in the Netherlands. Be expecting plenty photos of my travels to follow here.

Peace out.