Wednesday, October 24


I've heard about this tramp so many times and being the tramper I am it was criminal to not do it so on Sunday of labour weekend I latched onto a group going down from Auckland and did it. Apart from all the Aucklanders everywhere it was beautiful. It was incredibly windy up the top, we were clinging to the rocks to stay on - all good fun. In my view it was a bit of a tame tramp - short distance with wide tracks and lush hut facilities. If you're not much of a tramper or bushlover then its a great little excursion. A couple images courtesy of Mark Hoyle:


Anonymous said...

Fun and games! We did it on ANZAC day a couple of years ago.

I loved my walking stick on those steps!

Valerie Paurus said...

whoa girl! i just caught up on your blog, you have been doing some amazing touring! listen, i've been practicing up on my rock climbing, so when i come visit you... :)
you would love the lush green mountains of the philippines, so different from the rugged nz.
so you'll have to tell me more about the fellow in your pics, eh?
love you lots

Anna said...

Hey you! The guy in the pictures in the south island is my brother (my big-little bro) and the one on the mountain is just an army mate. No action on the man-front for now! I would so love to explore the phillipines eh, sounds beautiful. Will email you soon. I'm in exams now...